How to look after your stairlift

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Once you have your new stairlift installed it is vital to keep it well maintained and serviced regularly to ensure no problems arise. Here at Newbury Mobility we fully recommend that you service your stairlift at least once a year to ensure it is kept in tip top condition and continues to run smoothly for many years to come.

In-between your stairlift servicing appointments however, there are several things you can do to keep your stairlift in good working order. Here we look at some of things you can do to keep your stairlift fully functional.

Man showing senior woman at home in a book

Always read the manual

Before you carry out any cleaning or maintenance work on your stairlift it is important that you read your stairlift manual that would have been provided when your stairlift was installed. The manual will probably give specific instructions of what tasks can be performed by you and which ones must be avoided.

Before you start

After reading your manual, before you start any maintenance work, make sure your stairlift chair is at the bottom of the stairs and powered off. Then check that your track is clear of any objects. All stairlifts have a safety device installed which stops the stairlift from moving should there be an obstruction on the track but small objects like pen lids or coins can sometimes go unnoticed, so it’s always a good idea to run your eyes up and down the track before you do anything else.

Cleaning the track

Keeping the track clean will help ensure you have a smooth ride every time you use your stairlift. To do this, run a slightly damp cloth up and down the track to make sure there is no build up of dust which could lead to blockages and subsequent mechanical issues. Once you have cleaned the track from dust, you can apply a lubrication. However, it is advisable that you let our engineer apply any grease as we have found from past experience if too much is used it can cause issues. Our engineers will be able to discuss this with you when they install your stairlift or during your stairlift servicing appointments.

White stairlift on staircase elderly people indoor in home

Cleaning the seat

As with the track you can wipe down the seat with a damp cloth to keep it clean and fresh. Never used domestic cleaning products, bleaches, or any type of solvents on your stairlift chair or any part of your stairlift. They could cause major damage to your stairlift and most importantly could void your warranty.

Never exceed the maximum weight

It can be tempting to use your stairlift for other purposes other than what it is intended for, but we strongly advise you not to do this. Using the stairlift to carry heavy objects up and down the stairs is not only a health and safety hazard but using your stairlift in this way can easily cause mechanical failures if the item is to heavy.

If you need any stairlift support or advise please call us today. Our knowledgeable team are available to discuss any issues you may be experiencing and can also book your stairlift servicing appointment at a time that is convenient to you.

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